Seeing is Believing / by admin

Coburn and Coffee ©2013 Gary Garbett

Coburn and Coffee ©2013 Gary Garbett

From the time I was a little boy, album cover art has inspired me. There is something about the size, the packaging, and the square format that has always intrigued me. It still does.

Yard Sale Groovy ©2013 Gary Garbett

Yard Sale Groovy ©2013 Gary Garbett

Santa brought me my first record player when I was 3 years old. It was a Beany + Cecil box style record player by Vanity Fair. As my adult years passed and my music collection grew, I promised myself that someday I'd have another Beany + Cecil record player.

Fifty Christmases after Santa first delivered my original player, my wish came true. Ironically, it too is a fab package in a square format and chock filled with great design.

Beany + Cecil

Beany + Cecil